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Site Records

Subterranea Scotia

Deanie Power Station - Access Tunnel

Deanie Power Station sign

The access tunnel is 735ft long, 16ft wide & high. It runs straight for its entire length, sloping down at 1 in 9. In common with most such tunnels, it is unlined except at the portals.

Deanie power station - access tunnel, looking down from portal

Photo: Deanie power station - access tunnel, looking down from portal
Photo by: Mike Ross

The end of the unlined section; the tunnel is lined with concrete from here until it enters the loading bay.

Deanie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Deanie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

Looking across the tunnel from the start of lined section, the arches of a couple of side-chambers can be seen.

Deanie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Deanie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

The first side-chamber contains switchgear:

Deanie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Deanie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

The second side-chamber, just before the loading bay, contains office space, stores, and the battery room.

Deanie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Deanie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

Inside the side-chamber shown; office to the left, a passageway connecting back to the first side-chamber straight ahead, and the stairway giving access to the upstairs battery room on the right:

Deanie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Deanie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

Looking back up the access tunnel from the loading bay

Deanie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Deanie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

Home Page
Last updated 5th March 2003
Style © 1998-2001 Subterranea Britannica

Words and images © 2003 Michael J. Ross

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