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Site Records

Subterranea Scotia

Deanie Power Station - Adits

Deanie Power Station sign

In addition to the adit leading to the downstream surge chamber, which is described elsewhere, two other adits were made during the construction of the Deanie tunnel.

No.1 adit is located immediately below the surge chamber. It was used to muck the surge chamber excavation, and the downstream end of the main tunnel:

Deanie power station - No. 1 adit

Photo: Deanie power station - No. 1 adit
Photo by: Mike Ross

The No. 2 adit is around 20,000ft upstream from the power station. Its position is very obvious when driving up Strathfarrar - the tunnel was driven upstream and downstream from here, working two faces, the tunnel is 29,000ft long by 15ft wide and high. That's an awful lot of broken rock, and a fair proportion of it was taken out through this adit and dumped. The spoil heap is very obvious from the different colour of vegetation!

Deanie power station - No. 2 adit and spoil heap

Photo: Deanie power station - No. 2 adit and spoil heap
Photo by: Mike Ross

All that spoil came out of this very insignificant-looking hole!

Deanie power station - No. 2 adit

Photo: Deanie power station - No. 2 adit
Photo by: Mike Ross

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Last updated 5th March 2003
Style © 1998-2001 Subterranea Britannica

Words and images © 2003 Michael J. Ross

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