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Site Records

Subterranea Scotia

Deanie Power Station - Adits

Deanie Power Station sign

Monar dam considerably enlarged Loch Monar; to prevent the enlarged loch from overflowing over a saddle 'around the corner' from Monar dam, it was necessary to construct a small cut-off dam: Loichel dam.

Deanie power station - Loichel dam

Photo: Deanie power station - Loichel dam
Photo by: Mike Ross

Loichel dam is a simple gravity dam, 680ft long and 65ft high. There is no spillway or water control gear; all this is provided at Monar dam.

Deanie power station - Loichel dam

Photo: Deanie power station - Loichel dam
Photo by: Mike Ross

Another one from the archives; Loichel dam just after completion.

Deanie power station - Loichel dam

Photo: Deanie power station - Loichel dam
Photo by: Scanned by Mike Ross, from 'Water Power' February 1964

A short distance upstream from Loichel dam, on the right bank, is the gatehouse controlling the Monar end of the tunnel from the Uisge Misgeach intake system, described on another page. Water normally flows into Loch Monar from this system, but at times of exceptional drought, the flow can be reversed, and water taken from Loch Monar 'backwards' along the tunnel, to provide the legally-required compensation flow at the Uisge Misgeach.

All this is visible here is the gatehouse structure; the tunnel outlet is submerged on the bed of the loch:

Deanie power station - Uisge Misgeach tunnel gatehouse

Photo: Deanie power station - Uisge Misgeach tunnel gatehouse
Photo by: Mike Ross

Home Page
Last updated 5th March 2003
Style © 1998-2001 Subterranea Britannica

Words and images © 2003 Michael J. Ross

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