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Site Records

Subterranea Scotia

Livishie Power Station - Access Tunnel

Livishie Power Station sign

The access tunnel is, at a guess, around 1000ft/350m long, runs straight for most of its length until it bends sharply on the final approach to the machine hall. In common with most such tunnels, it is unlined except at the portals:

Livishie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Livishie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

Another view down the access tunnel from the entrance portal:

Livishie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Livishie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

Looking back up the access tunnel from the bend, daylight just visible:

Livishie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Livishie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

The tunnel continues to bend sharply until it enters the machine hall. On the right of this picture can be seen the entrances to the chambers excavated at the side fo the tunnel - office space, store, battery room etc. Just out of view round the bend on the left wall of the tunnel is a grille-covered tube which leads to the tailrace and provides ventilation.

Livishie power station - access tunnel

Photo: Livishie power station - access tunnel
Photo by: Mike Ross

Home Page
Last updated 5th March 2003
Style © 1998-2001 Subterranea Britannica

Words and images © 2003 Michael J. Ross

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