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Subterranea Scotia

Livishie Power Station - The power station: interior

Livishie Power Station sign

The access tunnel opens into the brightly-lit machine hall, which is kept beautifully clean, and looks most attractive with the bare rock walls - it's clear why Livishie is one of the very few places that could be described as 'as pretty as a power station':

Livishie power station - Interior

Photo: Livishie power station - Interior
Photo by: Mike Ross

Looking back up the access tunnel. Contrast between the cold fluorescent illumination in the tunnel, and the much warmer lights of the machine hall. The ladder running up the concrete pillar on the right-hand side gives access to the crane:

Livishie power station - entrance to machine hall

Photo:Livishie power station - access tunnel opens into machine hall
Photo by: Mike Ross

Another view of the machine hall and generator. The railings on the left surround the stairway that gives access to the MIV and turbine floor.

Livishie power station - Interior

Photo: Livishie power station - Interior
Photo by: Mike Ross

Going down the aforementioned stairway leads to the MIV pit...

Livishie power station - MIV

Photo: Livishie power station - MIV
Photo by: Mike Ross

...and the turbine floor. Turbine guide vane actuators are below the covers surrounding the base of the shaft. I *think* the green doors/hatches on the far wall give access to the tailrace.

Livishie power station - turbine floor

Photo: Livishie power station - turbine floor
Photo by: Mike Ross

The fire plan makes clear the relationship between the various features:

Livishie power station - plan

Photo: Livishie power station - plan
Photo by: Mike Ross

Home Page
Last updated 5th March 2003
Style © 1998-2001 Subterranea Britannica

Words and images © 2003 Michael J. Ross

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