Site Records

Subterranea Scotia

Culligran Power Station - Neaty Burn Intake

Culligran Power Station sign

Neaty Burn intake is located approx. one mile from the power station, along a *very* rough track - I've been up there once, in a little white van, I'd be reluctant to repeat the trip without a 4x4. Unfortunately this trip was pre-digicam days, so I only have a scan of a polaroid to illustrate the location.

The intake consists of a small dam, a self-scouring scoop-type inlet, and a vertical shaft 277ft deep which leads the water into the low pressure tunnel, via a de-aereation chamber.

Photo: Culligran Neaty Burn intake under construction
Scanned by: Mike Ro
ss, from 'Water Power', March 1964

Photo: Neaty Burn intake today.
Photo by: Mike Ross

Home Page
Last updated 24th July 2002
Style © 1998-2001 Subterranea Britannica

Words and images © 2002 Michael J. Ross.