Site Records

Subterranea Scotia

Culligran Power Station - Vent Shaft

Culligran Power Station sign

Culligran has a vent shaft, driven up from the gable end of the machine hall cavern. It's a plain shaft, it contains no fittings, stairs or ladder, it's purely for ventilation. At the lower end the opening is guarded by drip-catching metal tray, clearly visible in the picture below. I suspect this is a relatively recent addition. The upper end of the shaft is surmounted by a small concrete building, which has door and louvres for ventilation. Access to the shaft would be via the crane from below, or by abseiling the shaft from above.

Photo: Culligran vent shaft - bottom end of shaft in station roof
Photo by: Mike Ross

Photo: Culligran vent shaft - surface building
Photo by: Mike Ross

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Last updated 24th July 2002
Style © 1998-2001 Subterranea Britannica

Words and images © 2002 Michael J. Ross.