This imagemap is the Corestore navigation tool

Mike - personal pages Diana - personal pages Iain - personal pages Sandy - personal pages The Corestore - computers ancient and modern Back to Corestore home page My adventures with gas turbines Some of my favourite British scrapyards Subterranea Scotia - Scotland underground Photo albums - family and friends The works of the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board This imagemap is the Corestore navigation tool

The above is an image map, use it to navigate the site. Best viewed at 1280 x 1024 using any browser.

Iain - His first birthday!

Are all these parcels for ME?!

What's going on? I'm being attacked by mummy with a Griffin on her hand!

I'm ONE year old TODAY and I have FOUR teeth!

Miaowww - Mad Auntie Sheila sent me a cat - all the way
from New Zealand!

Balloons! Lots of them! Now for some real fun!

I LOVE balloons!!

I haven't had this much fun since... oh at least a minute ago

My first lessons in Real Computers... a DEC pdp-11/35...

...and an IBM System/360 - daddy says NO! Not that switch!

Click on the pics for full-size versions