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Iain - aged three to six months

After doing the rounds of family & friends back home in the UK, we
returned to New York to do some serious baby-raising.

Mummy reading Iain 'Goodnight Moon' for the first, but most
assuredly not the last (!) time

Iain wiggling happily on a beautiful quilt made specially for him by our
good friend Susanne... sadly within a few hours of taking this picture,
we were on a plane, heading for Dingwall - his granny was very ill
indeed. We didn't make it in time... :-(

After the funeral... a giggly Iain and mummy on the beach at
Rosemarkie - just over three months now, and thriving!

Another beach - Iain and mummy at the beautiful Clachtoll
beach, in the far North-West highlands

A family group... we've always loved this area, and this day at
Clachtoll inspired us to start looking for a house in the area...

A few days later, another visit to Clachtoll beach... Iain chills out.
Unfortunately a few minutes after this picture was taken he
detonated in an entirely inexplicable screaming fit that lasted
20 minutes! Never did it before or since, touch wood...

Back South, visiting Clan Gordon before flying home...


Iain laughing with his Mad Auntie Sheila

Four and a half months now, back home in New York, and giggling!

Five months. When not giggling, laughing! He's SUCH a happy baby!

I'm still laughing!! And I'm wearing my 'Baby Tux' shirt!

You guys are SO hilarious!!

I'm 5 months old today, it's the day of the
Great North-East Blackout, and I STILL can't stop laughing!

What's going on?! Someone turned me on my tummy! Hey...
my neck is getting stronger now! Well I AM 5 1/2 months now...

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