The above is an image map, use it to navigate the site. Best viewed at 1280 x 1024 using any browser.
Updated November 30th 2006.
I'm slowly putting the Hydro material together - it's a very large project;
last time I checked my 'raw data' Hydro directory contained 3,500 files,
totalling over 2GB of data! Thousands of my own photographs, taken over
the last 20 years, and hundreds of scanned images of archive photographs,
engineering drawings, and extracts from engineering periodicals. Assembling
all this into coherent webpages is a non-trivial task.
I should make it clear that this is in no sense an 'official' site. Scottish
& Southern Energy, the company that the post-privatisation Hydro Board
metamorphosed into, have made it clear that they disapprove of this website
- they cite both security concerns (although apart from my personal images,
all the material is in the public domain already), and a more general (and
to be fair, far from uncommon) 'corporate' abhorrence of having ANY information
about the activities of their company appearing on a website outwith their
This is a 'placeholder' page: when the project is complete, visitors will
be able to start at a top-level map of Scotland, and drill-down to get
details of each scheme, then at a lower level, each dam and power station.
I'm slowly writing some background material which will accompany this,
on the history and politics of the development of hydro power in Scotland.
For now, to give people something to look at in the interim, I've simply
added links to each individual power station or page, as and when they
are completed.
These are the first revisions of these pages; they will be improved - I'm
already having ideas about how to improve the navigation within each power
station, and enhancing and rewording the technical descriptions. Right
now you can go look at the following power stations:
Deanie - updates 11th November 2005 - new photos of interior and downstream surge
Culligran - updates 14th November 2005 - more/new photos.
Livishie - updates 15th November 2005 - new - coverage of headworks.
Glenmoriston - new 14th March 2005
Achanalt - new 16th November 2005
St. Fillans - new 27th November 2005
Invergarry - new 1st May 2006
Quoich - new 5th May 2006
Ceannacroc - new 13th May 2006